Grant’s Story

In 2011 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma when my spleen ruptured. I was given a year to live.

The cancer was in 1 lung, my liver, my brain and all my lymph nodes. I was treated with Proluekin at the University of Minnesota and was given a 6% chance of success. I had a complete response and have been Melanoma free since 2/24/2012! I am considered cured. I love Choose Hope and order stuff to support others fighting this disease that sucks!

1 thought on “Grant’s Story”

  1. You are a true inspiration, as I read this tears of encouragement drop down my eyes, my sister just got diagnosed with breast cancer and although it doesn’t run in my family, I feel all cancer is; a warning to change something in our lives, thank you for the inspiration and God bless your soul for inspiring others.
    Respectfully, Rosie

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